Skiing in Tärnaby

I think I’d like to write a couple of posts about my recent cross-country skiing trip to Tärnaby (north of Sweden). First of all, the reason for going was that I have a dream/plan to ski (snowshoe?) Kungsleden, the same trail I hiked in September (here). And it’s been years since I’ve done any cross-country (I’ve been moving a lot and somehow in the places too warm for skiing 🙂 , even though I’ve done some skiing as a kid). So, my goal was to test how difficult it would be for me now, how long are the distances I can make in a day, etc. It would be dumb to just rent the skies and go on a long and tough (and lonely) trip without doing so 🙂 …

Well, the choice of place wasn’t easy. I wanted it to have cross-country ski rental, ski tracks (ideally lit at night, I’m an evening person 🙂 and long enough), pretty to make some drone footage for my IG, and, let’s face it, not too expensive. And most of Sweden (that’s where I live atm) is quiiiite expensive…

Somehow, Tärnaby seemed like the best combo. Hence, the trip for three nights was booked and I took my night train + 5 hrs bus ride to that winter paradise. The paradise is a rather small town (about 500 inhabitants) famous mostly for its downhill skiing.

Well, I’ll continue my story tomorrow (you can kinda guess by the video on the right 🙂 ). Good night!

Weather days 1 and 2 🙂