
That was actually one of the most physically demanding ‘fun’ things I’ve done. Did this tour in Barcelona, here. It actually required lots of balancing skills and leg strength. The way it works is that you get into a boat with a guide and go a bit away from the shore. There you get your instructions (swim on your belly and then try to bend your knees, and stand on the board as it gets pushed up by the jets). Then you are thrown overboard and the fun begins 🙂

It’s absolutely not easy to catch that balance and hold it. I was really happy to get several seconds standing a number of times by the end of my 30 min class. Kinda think it’s thanks to my gymnastics balancing skills 🙂 Would really love to do it again to finally conquer the flyboard! But it’s sooo expensive 🙁

The worst thing is that after you’ve managed to stand and balance, you inevitably fall back into the water from some height, which might be a bit painful, not mentioning that you sink quite deep in. So, by the end, my throat and my nose were screaming with the salt water, I would totally advise not to do it in the seawater…

Hence, thins activity is for someone, who loves the challenges. And is in an ok physical shape 🙂 But the feeling of getting those several seconds of ‘flying’ is amazing!

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