General advice

I love running, that is true. I’m lucky this way, I know how many people simply hate it. It hasn’t always been like that though. When I started, I could barely run 200 m without stopping… And now I can run 20k rather easily.

So, the main problem always is to start. I guess it depends on a person, but for me, consistency is the key:

  • Choose a day. Or two day (better 🙂 ) and keep to it. Always. Even when you are too tired after work, too upset, whatever (don’t run with a fever though 🙂 ). But when I feel down, or tired, or even mildly sick – running makes me feel better. It’s all about creating a habit. I’ve read somewhere that it takes 21 days to establish one 🙂 Trust me, soon you won’t need to make an effort, you’ll go automatically! But it’s also easy to ruin one. So try to keep to you day always (Christmas and New Year include 😀 )

Step two:

  • Choose a comfortable time. I’m a night owl. Running in the morning is torture. So I only run in the mornings when I have to (say, when I’m away for work and know that I won’t have time in the morning). Otherwise, it’s after work.
  • It might not be for everyone, but I go running as soon as I get home after work. Otherwise, you know how it is… You eat, then you’re too full to run, and after – it’s too late. I just don’t give myself a chance to get lazy and not go 🙂
  • Make goals. Even tiny goals don’t matter. For instance ‘I will run till the next street light, then I rest up to be following one, and run again‘. Your brain needs a command. It also might be – ‘I will sprint till the next three, then I jog’, or ‘today I’m not stopping before it’s 5k’. Then, set a higher bar next week 🙂 !
  • Ok, again, not for everyone. But buy yourself some training clothes that make you feel like an athlete. Seriously, something that makes you feel that you look good!
  • Important: good running shoes! You’ll get yourself all kinds of (ankle, knee, back, etc) pain otherwise. Definitely. Especially if you run on asphalt!
  • Music! I have a running music list, and I really need it to run. I’ve accumulated it during my years of running (I’ll put it somewhere if I don’t forget 🙂 ) I need the music that makes me feel inspired! But I also know people who listen to audiobooks or run without anything. Experiment!
  • Find a route that you like. That is interesting for you. I love to do some running when I travel – it’s fun to explore new places!
  • Right gear helps a lot. I love my wireless headphones (Trekz Air, not sponsored, lol, I just bought them and I love them 😀 ). Whatever feels comfortable and doesn’t bounce on your head. I also can’t run without my waist pouch for my phone (btw it makes sense to have a waterproof one in case of rain). It does make a huge difference to feel very comfortable when you run. Especially long distances, when everything leaves burn marks on your body. I hate drinking water when I exercise (I’m crazy that way 🙂 ). Many people need it. Test either way! Can’t run without my headband – to keep my hair out of my eyes and keep the headphones in place:)
  • Even now, running 10-20k easily, I feel horrible for the first 5 minutes, when the body warms up. It’s normal. On some days the whole run sucks. It’s ok. There will be more good than bad days when you get used to it!’
  • Maybe find a friend? I prefer running alone. But if you don’t, find a pal who will agree to start with you!
  • My main advice: always try to have fun!

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