Coronavirus finally got to gymnastic

I now live in Sweden. As many know, we never had lockdowns or hard regulations, only ‘recommendations’ from the government. When the first wave hit, gymnastics got closed for a week or two, but then reopened with the training times being shortened a bit so that we had to warm-up outside. But last week (since the second wave has hit us hard), our 4 classes a week got cut down to 2 (and the training time is not especially convenient) 🙁

It’s good that we haven’t been closed as we had expected 🙂 And I know that many people can’t even have that… Yet, now I need to find some ‘sporty’ occupation for 3 of my evenings and find a way to keep my body in the same shape. I guess running and Les Mills should help 😀 Omg, when will that stupid virus go away!!! Too bad with my backflip improving, but at least I can go back to increasing my running distance…

P.S. Now we are allowed to have only 8 people in the whole gymnastics hall!