Aerial hoop

I wasn’t doing aerial hoop for long to be fair. Last summer, when some of my other activities were taking a break, I took 4 weeks of ‘taught’ hoop and 4 weeks of ‘open’, self-taught classes 🙂 It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it very much! The pics/videos show you what I’ve learned in this short period of time starting from scratch 😉

Well, I do have a bit of an advantage with my gymnastics and other aerial experience… But still, that is one of the things (as I always say 😀 ) that anyone can start at any time and succeed!

It does require the upper-body and core strength, but that is something that you build up along the way… A bit scary at first (and not only at first 🙂 ) and painfull (you are hanging on a metal hoop after all). But it makes you feel so cool and graceful! And, let’s face it, it loks pretty awesome. It might take you longer or you might get it easily, but you will get there!