Adult gymnastics classes in Uppsala

I’ve only been attending one place in Uppsala – Uppsala Gymnastikförening and I’m very happy with it! We have trainings 4 times a week for 2.5-3 hrs each. The place itself is a large gymnastics hall with all usual gymnastics equipment. Even more than usual actually. My favourite perk is the cameras pointing at each apparatus and transmitting a delayed image to a screen next to it so that you can see the moves you did after you’ve done them. And there’s a tiny gym for weightlifting and stuff in the corner. Sprung floor, tumbling and fast tracks, trumpets, foam pits, beams, bars, etc.

Here we pay not per class but for a semester, and then you attend as many classes as you can. Here’s some contact info. At the beginning of each semester, there are two weeks where you can come and try for free. When I first arrived to Uppsala I started in the middle of the semester, so that’s also possible if there are some spots available. We usually have a warm-up together at the beginning and conditioning at the and, but then you can do more or less whatever you want either with help or without.

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