About Me…

Hi all, my name is Alena! This webpage isn’t about me though; it’s about trying new and fun things… Whether you think you’re too old, too weak, too scared, or too busy…

When there’s a will there’s a way…

I’ve started ‘playing’ gymnastics when I was 27. I started from 0 (it actually felt like -1, couldn’t even do a cartwheel 🙂)) I think that’s when I realized that I wan to try all the scary and fun things that are there…

And I want to share my fun!

You are never ‘too’ anything to have a bit of adventure, a bit of a challenge, and loads of fun!

So here you’ll find my adventures – a bit of sports stuff, loads of traveling, and all the scary things I can find… Here’re just some:

Want to see more? Just check out the whole menu. And then go and try all of it!

I’ll also give some traveling instructions here. There are loads of those things on-line, I know. But I’ve been traveling to some pretty cool places, doing some cool thighs (helicopter, hot air balloon flights) and I always plan everything very carefully myself. It would be a waste not to share it.

Disclaimer: I like to walk a lot (like really a lot), I don’t usually stay in expensive accommodations, I often waste the money I saved on some excursions or activities that I find ‘cool’. But you can use any part of my experiences that you like:)

Just some examples:

Hot air balloon
White desert

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